Friday, February 04, 2005

Squeaky Smalltalk

I'm nearly through the C# book I borrowed from the library (I'll blog about it soon) and this morning I was relating some of my thoughts to a co-worker about the language. But somehow we got onto the topic of Smalltalk.

She was explaining to me how weird the syntax was. We found a website that outlined the differences between Java and Smalltalk. And although things looked a little odd I recognized syntax similarities to Objective-C which didn't come as too much of a surprise and I recognized closure similarities to Ruby.

So during some free time at lunch I downloaded and tried out a free version of Smalltalk called Squeak. That environment threw me for a bit of a loop but through the help of the BankAccount tutorial I was able to write a little rinky dink class, instantiate it, interact with it and inspect it. Pretty cool.

My curiosity is piqued so I'll probably give Smalltalk a bit of a spin. Not that I expect to develop anything significant with it but since it was so instrumental in the design of other languages I figure it might be interesting...

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