Thursday, February 10, 2005

Happy Trails To You

Trails is a project hosted on that leverages Spring, Tapestry and Hibernate to generate a functional web application using just the domain objects. Some of the docs say it does no code generation... Don't know how that works or how useful this project would be in the real world but it looks cool. You should check out the demo video. He creates a simple little app in Eclipse with some help from XDoclet and Ant to create the database in MySQL (an XDoclet task creates the hibernate mappings and then a Hibernate task creates the database tables. Done that before and it works reasonably well). You need Quicktime installed to view the video.

I've taken a brief look at Spring in the past. It seems to be the dominant implemenatation of the Inversion of Control pattern. I've only heard of Tapestry. It's a Struts competitor of some sort. Everyone who uses it seems to rave about it. And Hibernate, well it just rocks! ;-)

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