Overall I was pretty happy with C# as a language. It's very much like Java and the comments below only reflect the things that are different. Generally, I would say C# is a legal J++ (Microsoft's slightly mutated Java that was taken off the market after Sun sued and won). I originally thought J++ was pretty good and I think the same about C#.
Namespaces and File structure
- Many namespaces in one file.
- No tie between public class names and name of file or name of namespaces (packages in Java) and the directories they live in. Simpler.
- But by convention one class or a few highly related classes are grouped in individual files, so in practice it may not be much different
Ref and Out parameters
- ref and out parameters must be marked in the method declaration and on the calling side. Good for readability.
- vars to be used as a ref param must be assigned before calling method.
- Main is the name of the entry point method (one per file). Note the capital M. C# uses PascalCase vs camelCase for most names. This is a bit unusual for Java developers but makes sense once you realize Anders Hejlsberg, the primary designer of C# and .NET, was the chief architect of Delphi at Borland which used Object Pascal.
- string is an intrisic type in C# (see more about structs later)
- Parameter substitution in Console.WriteLine() is useful. There is also an ability to format the parameters (e.g., Console.WriteLine( "Sum of 1,2,3 is {0:N0}.", Sum(1,2,3));) Presumably there'd be a way to generate stings using this formatting functionality. I haven't run into it yet.
- "public sealed class Plane:Flyer" sealed stops any subclasses like final in Java
- Use colon (:) for subclassing instead of extends
- Use colon (:) for implementing an interface instead of implements
- Visibility identifiers are nearly the same, public, protected, private, internal. Internal is like package scope in Java. Default is private in C# as opposed to protected in Java when it isn't explicitly defined.
- Exception handling is the same as Java except there are no checked exceptions in C#
- Use "is" instead of "instanceof"
- Interfaces are available in C#, like the IComparable with the int CompareTo( object o) method. Naming convention starts interfaces with I.
- In Java, every method is virtual and every method call is dispatched with a dynamic lookup. In C# you must explicitly label a method as being virtual. This has the potential to create some unexpected behavior:
- Create a subclass and override a method using syntax like "new public void MethodName()"
- Create a variable declared to be the supertype.
- Assign this variable an instance of the subclass.
- Now call the overridden method.
- The method that gets called will actually be that of the super class and NOT the subclass.
- If you were to typecast it to the subclass then the subclass's method gets called. Funky.
- This doesn't happen if the super's method is declared virtual and the subclass is declared with override
- You must explicitly label an overriden method with the keywords override or new. Compiler will fail otherwise.
- Multiple constructors are supported but in order to call other constructors in the same class you have to use a strange declaration. (e.g., public Employee(): this(null, 0){...}) So why is't "this(null,0)" between the braces?
- To call a super class's constructor use something like "public Manager():base("Joe", 100){...}".
- In Java an instance variable with get and set methods is oftern referred to as a property. This idiom is often used by IDE's.
- C# defines a special syntax for properties that reduces some of the code that needs to be written. Basically it comes down to declaring a private instance variable usually named with camelCase (one of the few exceptions). Then you define a property with get and set blocks:
private string name;
public string Name{
get{ return name; }
set{ name = value; }
- Now the property can be referenced just like an instance variable but behind the scenes the get and set blocks of the property is being called. I think this is a much more natural syntax than calling a method. e.g.,
person.Name = "Joe";
- Delphi had all these features too (with a different and IMHO simpler syntax). I was also suprised that I didn't see any way to simply declare indexed properties. Delphi had that one too.
- Mono mimics the Microsoft C# command line compiler very well:
- multiple files compiled at once to create the exe "mcs /out:Test.exe Ape.cs Human.cs"
- to compile just this class and create a *.netmodule file: "mcs /target:module Ape.cs"
- to compile the exe with the *.netmodule use: "mcs /out:Test.exe Human.cs /addmodule:Ape.netmodule"
- Supposedly a struct differs from a class by the way the memory is allocated.
- Structs are created more like intrinsic variables within the class
- But they look just like classes! They can implement interfaces, their members have visibility specifiers, and they can even have methods and constructors!
- boxing and unboxing happen automatically between intrinsics and their structure brethren. e,g, int and Int32 (a struct)
- The is operator also works on structs
- They're similar to function pointers and similar to Objective-C's selector concept (although objc's selector is more dynamic in that it's a message that isn't tied to any particular object instance).
- To use delegates:
- declare the delegate that describes a method signature
- instantiate a delegate that points to the method of an object instance that has a matching method (note that the method name doesn't matter just the return type and parameter types) e.g., MessageDelegate target = new MessageDelegate( myObject.PrintSomethingOut );
- now invoke the method e.g., target("Hello, World!");
- This all avoids the mess in Swing where you must create a Listener Interface, often a Listener Adapter and then implement the interface or subclass the adater with an anonymous class. For example when wiring up gui object events to methods:
button.addActionListener( new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ){
//do Something like delegating to another method
- Five lines of code vs one plus all the overhead of a new class just to delegate a method call!! Now the Java version is closer to the typical Observer pattern and is pretty well understood and is still valid but I must admit that I like the brevity and readability of the delegate implementation.
- Collection types are LinkedList, ArrayList, Queue, Stack, Dictionary which are similar to Java's List, Map, and Set interfaces and the various implementations.
- I like names like Queue, Stack, and Dictionary
- Index access to the collection
- this is actually calling the get method of the class with an index value, the index doesn't have to be an int. e.g.,
class MyArray{
public String this[index]{
get{ return array[index];}
set{array[index] = value;}
- C# uses the term IEnumerator. Enumerator was deprecated in Java in favor of the Iterator interface. but basically the same thing
- If the class implements IEnumerable then the foreach loop can be used instead which does the typecasting automatically on each loop iteration.
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