Wednesday, December 07, 2005


I came in to work this morning only to listen to a QA lead and a senior developer discuss the almighty importance of tests (specifically unit tests). "They are the specifications, blah, blah, blah". But you know what I didn't hear, the importance of the actual software itself! Agile-development, test-first, test-driven, whatever-process-comes-next are all well and good but don't get so damn attached to it that you don't focus on what's really important, the software. Don't get me wrong, tests are important but they come a distant second to the system under development.

1 comment:

sundog said...

Hey there BCOT! To answer your question: No, I don't think that she's ever been a developer. But I suspect that she'd tell you that it would be trivial with her years of uhhhh... talking. ;-)