Friday, March 04, 2005

Internet Explorer Sucks

I'm trying to put together a little HTML page with some Javascript to hopefully give my users a slightly better experience and I am brutally reminded why I hate using Javascript and the HTML-DOM, it just doesn't work.

Okay it works, but it only works in Firefox right now. Following good development practices I started with the browser that best supports the standards and that's Firefox. After messing around for a couple hours and getting a half-assed simulation of a popup menu, I tried it in Microsoft's crappy Internet Explorer to discover it does nothing. I don't know why yet, but I'd wager it has something to do with IE's lack of standards support. I'm no Javascript guru so this is frustrating enough already but to have IE flip me the middle finger is just infuriating. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!! IE SUCKS!

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