Friday, March 11, 2005

Eclipse Icons

I was building a web application yesterday and decided I needed some icons to replace some buttons on one of the pages. So I started googling without much success. Although I could find the odd icon or two that would work, they were different sizes, had different colour palettes etc. They just didn't come across as being part of a coherent design.

Then I was looking at Eclipse thinking I want something like that. After a little investigation I discovered where Eclipse stores its icons. Take a look in any of the plugin subdirectories that have "ui" in their names and you'll frequently find icons in a web-friendly GIF format ready for pillaging. (e.g., [ECLIPSE_HOME]/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui_3.0.1/icons/full/etool16). With some of the basic icons and some of the overlay images (e.g., [ECLIPSE_HOME]/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui_3.0.1/icons/full/ovr16) and a little bit of photoshopping you can create some nice consistent icons for your web application.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A web gallery of the eclipse icons can be found at Eclipse Icons Gallery