But half a year later our enthusiasm for Ruby on Rails hasn't been seriously diminished despite a less than stellar project, and surprisingly our commitment is growing. From three developers doing Rails we've grown it to five and my managers have fully accepted it and are pushing it forward for most new projects.
Excitingly for me, I was recently assigned a small but very high profile project. And this time I think I've been able to do things the best way I know how in a very short period of time. The controllers are RESTful, my routes are appropriately nested, the layouts are clean table-free HTML with CSS and the Javascript is unobtrusive. I really dig Prototype and the app is sprinkled with just the right amount of AJAX and the Scriptaculous effects are not gratuitous.
Quite honestly I'm pretty thrilled with this app. It's only been a week or two worth of effort but it's been thoughtful and extremely efficient. So efficient that I think the app will be fully functional before the TQA and Production Tomcat servers I requested will be provisioned by the server team (remember I'm in a big enterprise). And yes, you read that right I'm deploying to a JEE web container. I'm past any trepidation I may have once harboured about JRuby vs MRI Ruby. To me it's a proven part of my deployment strategy that I can depend on.
Anyway I'm a happy developer again. I'm getting apps written and deployed for my users and I love the look of my code. The cool thing is that Rails keeps getting better. Rails 2.3 is just around the corner. I like the application templates and the integration of Rack. I still have to bring up my testing game but give me another week and I think my tools of choice (RSpec, Remarkable, and FactoryGirl) will have me cranking out better test coverage than I've ever had before.
Anyway let me wrap this up with some of the things I think are wicked about Ruby and Rails and the various gems:
- pluralize
- belongs_to, has_many :through (declarative ORM)
- Model.all
- Model.paginate (will_paginate gem is awesome)
- link_to_if
- select, collect, each (collection methods are cool)
- statement if expression (statment modifiers rock)
- distance_of_time_in_words_to_now
- model_url
- before_update, before_delete
- validates_presence_of, validates_length_of (declarative validation is sweet)
- Ruby, a REAL language, in my view templates!
- jruby script/console oracle (interacting with Oracle through my models via JDBC)
- rake war:clean war (Thank you warbler)
- script/autospec (even better on my Mac when integrated with Growl)
- ActionMailer with layouts (my HTML emails never looked so good)
- Ajax.Request, Ajax.Updater (Yay Prototype)
- case (yeah just a nice simple case statement)
- auto_discovery_link_tag and builder (yeah I added an RSS feed for good measure!)
- Railscasts (an exemplary example of a great community, Ryan Bates you rock!)
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