Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Quicktime X A/V Controls

I've been (very slowly) working my way through Stanford's CS193P iPhone development course available on iTunes U.

iTunes is a pretty good client for watching the lectures. It keeps track of where you were and if you're like me and your lecture viewing is frequently interrupted (i.e., kids), that can be a pretty useful feature.

But one of the things that it won't do is allow you to speed up the playback (at least I don't think it will). So when the instructors are talking about due dates, late assignments, and other housekeeping that doesn't really apply to you, it can be frustrating to watch through it in realtime. So if you can live without iTunes' ability to track progress, simply go find the movie on your hard drive (right click and select "Show in Finder") and open it up in QuickTime Player.

In Leopard open the "A/V Controls" window in QuickTime 7 and set the playback speed (up to 3x). After installing Snow Leopard I was sad to see that the A/V Controls window was missing from QuickTime X so I assumed you had to use the optional QuickTime 7 installation. But tonight I tried option clicking the fast forward button in the QuickTime X Player and discovered that instead of increasing the playback speed to 2x, 4x, or 8x when you repeatedly click the button, it incrementally increases the playback speed by 0.1x up to a maximum of 8x!

So there you go. Save some time and learn some iPhone development too.

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