Sunday, May 28, 2006

Billion Dollar Boondoggle

The "Canadian Firearms Program" more widely known as the "Canadian Gun Registry" was a program instituted by the former Liberal government of Canada under Prime Minister Jean Chretian to license and register certain types of firearms across Canada. Bill C-68 was introduced in February 1995 and has been controversial ever since for a number of reasons but undoubtedly the issue that has caught everyone's attention has been the cost of the program, now over $1,000,000,000, and growing.

So leaving the politics behind, I was interested in the technical details behind this program from a software developer's perspective. What exactly did these guys do wrong that would result in such astronomical cost overruns? What technologies did they use and what could be learned from their mistakes?

Well it was surprisingly difficult to find information but finally I came upon a two-year-old article in eWeek titled "Canada Firearms: Armed Robbery". The system was originally comprised of an Oracle 7 database and a PowerBuilder application built by EDS. Given what I know about those technologies, I doubt that the problem was the technology. Instead, it appears that the biggest problem was incorrect initial assumptions and ballooning, ever-changing requirements.

But after eight years of mismanagement what was the solution? That's right! They decided to rebuild the application with a different set of technology and consulting resources (CGI)! Maybe the implementation really was poor, but I suspect some incompetent management types were deftly pointing fingers elsewhere and some unwitting bureaucrat believed them. Ahhh that old story...

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