Thursday, March 30, 2006

Fast and Furious

I'm sure I have goofy speech patterns and favourite catch phrases of my own but I also have a talent for picking these colloquialisms out of someone else's speech as well. I have discovered over the years that the best time to capture these beauties within an IT environment is during the inevitable "status meeting". It's almost like a freestyle rap battle where two or more contenders try to outdo each other for status meeting supremacy. Fortunately for me, the agile process inspired daily standup meetings on my new project have become a veritable gold mine for these things. We have a few people on the project who are black-belt kung-fu masters of the colloquialism spinning these out with speed and grace... Here's a sample of the ones I've captured so far:

up to speedhigh level design
make it realsnapshot
visionary thinganecdotal evidence
identify the needlay the groundwork
cycles availabledisparate user experience
bottom feederlook and feel
production capacitynebulous
contextnumerous permutations
driversshock effect
more or lessimpact
grease the skidsfresh set of eyes
steer going forwardengage you
take forwardexternalize
put the spin on itsocializing it
draft rollout planshow stopper
iterative processmitigate risk
right hand manextra pair of hands
duck is cookedmessaging protocol
key artifactsvalidation effect
verbagesooner rather than later
put lipstick on ittechnical components
bring to the tableconsider the options
test bedfull meal deal
iterative cyclelock it down in stone
instant gratification


Anonymous said...

Dude.. You forgot a definition for "Golden".



Anonymous said...

You deserve more comments. Your stuff is great. :-D