I thought I'd go and take a look at what's been happening on the RADRails project lately. As it turns out, quite a bit! Aptana has taken over the project and are making quite a bit a progress integrating it with their Eclipse based IDE. The most impressive thing I saw was refactoring support! Fantastic! It's great to see RADRails getting some attention again. Go download the beta.
Then I went over to the JRuby project to see what they've been up to. JRuby 0.9.9 is out and looks very good. The Java integration is quite good. But I've been mostly interested in seeing support for deploying a Rails app in a JEE Web Container. Well nestled in beside the JRuby TAR file is a file called sample-rails-warfile.tar.gz. I downloaded it and pretty quickly had a rails application running in Tomcat. The app doesn't do much of anything but it's still pretty impressive to see it. My hope is that this kind of integration will help to get Ruby & Rails adopted into some of Java-only environment I tend to work in. The next thing I did was build my own Rails app and deploy it in Tomcat. I also tried deploying it in WebLogic but didn't have as much luck. Obviously there's still some work to do. Check out the JRuby WIKI for details.