Saturday, July 29, 2006

Cool Reception

A friend of mine, who works at a Java shop, recently gave a Ruby on Rails presentation and was surprised and dissapointed by the people who didn't come to the presentation. In his blog he discussed some of his theories about why one person in particular didn't show up...

I have a simpler theory, one that was presented by Bruce Tate in the Ruby on Rails Podcast back in March of this year. He said:
You can either look at a programming language as a means or as an end. And if you're looking at a programming language as a means it's just a tool to get a job done and religion just falls out of it. But once a language is entrenched and that language becomes a meal-ticket then the language becomes the end. And when that happens you're gonna get passions stirred up whether you want to or not, because now when you threaten a language you're threatening somebody's ability to feed their family...

I wouldn't present it quite so dramatically as being unable to feed one's family, afterall Java isn't about to be replaced any time soon, but I think his position is probably correct. Java is a meal-ticket for a lot of people. Many have worked their way up to nice lofty "architect" or "senior lead" positions. Most of them through hard work. They know Java and the frameworks and tools that go with it (JSF, Hibernate, Struts, Spring, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Tomcat, JBoss, JUnit, etc). They've made a significant investment and may quite naturally feel threatened by something like Rails whether they realize it or not. It challenges their position and knowledge.

Andy Hunt, one of the authors of "The Pragmatic Programmer" said:
Languages and frameworks come and go, but your habits--your practices--stay with you for your whole career.

Unfortunately, most people don't understand that. They look only at what's directly in front of them and don't check the horizon to see what's coming. Today Java can be a morass of complexity and it's only by looking at things like Rails do we challenge our preconceptions and make our day-to-day Java development positions better.

Keep giving the presentations, continue to push the boundaries. People don't like to be pushed but constant gentle persuasion will eventually leave its mark.

Thursday, July 20, 2006


During a recent job interview they told me that one of their new technical directions is Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). So I'm thinking okay, Web Services probably figures into that somehow... But unfortunatley (or maybe fortunately) the last time I touched any of that stuff (UDDI, WSDL, SOAP) was at least a couple years ago. So I started Googling to get up to speed again...

All the regular Web Services stuff is still out there but I found a couple other articles/blog entries/presentations by Joe Gregorio that are much more profound:
In the meantime I also watched a presentation by David Heinemeir Hansson called "Discovering a world of resources" (slides, video) where he describes something obviously influenced by the Atom Publishing Protocol (APP).

My interpretation of all this is that we tend to naively use just the GET and POST methods of the HTTP protocol and tend to be fairly inconsistent and sloppy in how we choose our URIs. These articles suggest that we can more wisely and efficiently use all of HTTP's methods to provide basic CRUD functionality:


Rather than reinventing the wheel with SOAP and all the WS-* standards we can just keep it simple with HTTP. Sounds pretty smart to me.

Monday, July 10, 2006


Even with a few weeks off from work I still like to keep up-to-date with what's going on in the Java world. And the biggest news so far has been the release of Eclipse 3.2 and the various other Eclipse based projects. So I downloaded 3.2 and then went on to install these other projects:
  • Visual Editor (VE)
  • Java EE and Web Tools (WTP)
  • Test and Performance Tools (TPTP)
  • Reporting Tools(BIRT)
  • Data Tools (DTP)
I was happy to see that VE is now supported on Mac OS X. I was able to quickly create a very simple Swing app in just a couple minutes. I can't say too much about stability of the tool at the moment but it worked first time!

Then I moved onto the Data Tools. It was pretty easy to connect to PostgreSQL (my preferred local database) even though PostgreSQL wasn't one of the predefined driver types. I browsed my schema and then quickly learned that you need to create a SQL editor and then connect it to a database before you can issue ad-hoc queries. In the end it's nice to see these tools in Eclipse but the implementation is still pretty weak compared to something like Aqua Data Studio whose code completion features are more comprehensive.

Then because I haven't really messed around with Web Services before I figured I'd take the Eclipse web tools for a spin. Now I know why David Heinemeier Hansson calls the Web Services collection of standards, which usually sports the abbreviation WS-*, as WS-death-star! Yikes! But in the end I was able to use the wizards to create a bottom-up web service from a simple JavaBean method that returned a String and then deploy that web service in Tomcat 5.5 and then use the generated web service client, also deployed in Tomcat, to execute the method and return my String. It sure is a lot of plumbing to do something so simple but maybe for large heterogeneous enterprise IT shops the benefits for integration outweigh the overhead...

So I still have the reporting tools and the test and monitoring tools to look at but so far everything looks good in the latest Eclipse offering. But I must admit I was suffering some nasty Eclipse crashes at first with the rather nebulous "Out of Memory" exception. After a bit of monkeying around I discovered that the following changes/additions to my eclipse.ini file (within the Eclipse bundle on Mac OS X) made everything happy again:


The last one in particular made the biggest difference. Let me know if you discover anything interesting...